New Repairer Registration
Any person / agency who wish to obtain a Repair License must pass the theory & practical examination conducted by the Measurement Units, Standards and Services Department. The Licenses are issued under Mechanical repair and Electronic repair categories.
- Weights and Measures
- Scale Beams and Weights
- Spring Balance
- Platform Scale (Mechanical)
- Counter Scales
- Weighbridges (Electronic or Mechanical)
- Electronic Weighing Instrument except weighbridge
- Any other additional makes
Basic Requirement
- Request form for new registration
- Certified NIC copy
- Educational and technical certificates
License Issuing Procedures
- Step 1: Applicant prepares and sends a request request form for new registration indicating which category of the license is required, to the Measurement Units, Standards and Services Department.
- Step 2: Department sends the letter to District Inspector for a workshop report
- Step 3: District Inspector makes a field visit to the applicant’s workshop and performs an inspection to see whether the workshop has the suitable tools for repairing instruments.
- Step 4: The District Inspector prepares a workshop report and sends it to the Measurement Units, Standards and Services Department.
- Step 5: The Department posts a letter to the applicant asking him to present for an examination.
- Step 6: An examination on theory and practice is held for the applicant, by the Department.
- Step 7: An examination is conducted to test the technical skills of the applicant.
- Step 8: Once he/she successfully qualifies, the repair license is then issued to the applicant.
Registration fee for a Repairer |
Rs. |
Repair measures |
720.00 |
Repair scale beams & Weights |
720.00 |
Repair spring balance |
720.00 |
Repair Platform Scales (mechanical) |
720.00 |
Repair counter scale |
720.00 |
Repair weighbridges (Mechanical or Electronic) |
6000.00 |
Repair all types of mechanical weighing instruments Exept Weighbridge |
3600.00 |
Repair electronic weighing instruments Exept Weighbridge |
3600.00 |
Class II scales |
720.00 |
Download Application
New Manufacture and Selling Registration
Any Manufacturer who has obtained Pattern approval for Measuring Instruments.
Note: Every weight measure or weighing or measuring instrument manufactured by a person or institution holding a Certificate of Registration should be approved by the Inspector.
Basic Requirement
- Request form for new registration
- National Identity Card Copy
- Pattern Approval Certificate
- Business Registration Certificate (BRC)
- Repair License
License Issuing Procedures
- Step 1: Manufacturer sends a request form for new registraion to the Department stating what is being manufactured and the Manufacturer name.
- Step 2: A field visit is then done by the District Inspector who prepares a workshop report. District Inspector conducts a field inspection and prepares the Workshop Report.
- Step 3: Inspector forwards workshop report to the Department
- Step 4: If the Inspector has approved the workshop report the Department informs the manufacturer via letter to bring the sample.
- Step 5: The Manufactures brings the sample and it is checked by the Department.
- Step 6: Once the Pattern is approved, the Department sends the Application Form to the Manufacturer via mail.
- Step 7: Manufacturer should introduce a technical person who has a repairer license.
- Step 8: The Manufacturer then fills the Application Form, pastes the paid stamp, bank deposit slip or paid to the sarap and sends it via mail or by physically visiting the Department.
- Step 9: The Department then Issues the manufacturing certificate.
Registration fee for manufacture & sell |
RS. |
Measures of Length or Capacity made out of Wood or Metal |
1200.00 |
Weights |
2400.00 |
Beam Scale |
2400.00 |
Spring Balance |
2400.00 |
Counter Balance |
2400.00 |
Platform Scales (mechanical) |
2400.00 |
Weighbridges (Mechanical/Electronics) |
9000.00 |
Electronic Weighing instrument |
3600.00 |
Fuel dispensing pumps |
3600.00 |
Measuring instruments related to electrical energy |
3600.00 |
Download Application
New Import and Selling Registration
Note: Every weight measure or weighing or measuring instrument Imported by a person or institution holding a Certificate of Registration should be approved by the Inspector.
Basic Requirement
- Request form for new registration
- National Identity Card Copy
- Repair License
- Cusdec Document
License Issuing Procedures
- Step 1: Applicant sends a request letter to the Department stating the need of an Application Form.
- Step 2: The Department receives the letter and sends the Application Form to the applicant.
- Step 3: Applicant fills Form and sends it to the Department along with a copy of the Business Registration Certificate, Cusdec document a copy of National Identity card / passport.
- Step 4: Department Issues the license to the seller under registered cover.
Registration fee for Import & Sell |
Rs. |
Measures of Length or Capacity made out of Wood or Metal |
2400.00 |
Weight |
4800.00 |
Beam Scales |
4800.00 |
Spring Balance |
4800.00 |
Counter Balance |
4800.00 |
Platform Scale (meachanical) |
4800.00 |
Weighbridge (Mechanical/Electronics) |
18000.00 |
Electronic weighing instrument |
7200.00 |
Fuel dispensing |
7200.00 |
Measuring instrument related to electrical quantities |
7200.00 |
Download Application
New Selling Registration
Must be registered as a Business Establishment.
Note: A person or an institution holding a Certificate of Registration for the sale of authorized weights, measures or weighing or measuring instruments shall sell or possess for sale only after the weights, measures or weighing or measuring instruments are stamped by an Inspector. The verification certificate issued by the Inspector shall be issued to the purchaser.
Basic Requirement
- Request form for new registration
- National Identity Card Copy
- Business Registration Certificate (BRC)
License Issuing Procedures
- Step 1: Applicant sends a request letter to the Department stating the need of an Application Form.
- Step 2: The Department receives the letter and sends the Application Form to the applicant.
- Step 3: Applicant fills Form and sends it to the Department along with a copy of the Business Registration Certificate & a copy of National Identity card / passport.
- Step 4: Department Issues the license to the seller under registered cover.
Registration fee for Sell |
Rs. |
Weights, measures or weighing and measuring instruments |
720.00 |
Download Application